Hi, I'm Marta, a photographer and digital artist based in Lodz, Poland.
Nowadays main area of my daily photography work is product and greenterior mixed with urban and architecture. I love to create alternative vision of reality so I do some photomontage and experimental photography. I often use transparent shapes, glass or mirror pieces to achieve the effect. Post-production process draws me completely.
I do graphic design in minimalistic aestetic. My main topics in graphics are spirituality, esoterics and astrology.
In my work I'm always searching for the quintessence - the essence of a substance, the most typical feature, the essence of a thing in its purest form.
Privately my passions are linguistics, esoterics and astrology.
qintsnc - photographer and graphic designer
"Potęga Łodzi - Power of Łódź" contest - juror
Polish Jungle - head photographer & creative director
Fabryczna - head photographer & editor in chief
Fundacja Ulicy Piotrkowskiej - urban & event photographer
Perły Łodzi - architecture photographer
"City. Sense." - my photographs ilustrating series of articles in Kaleidoscope magazine
"Polish Jungle" - my photographs ilustrating articles in Polish Jungle blog
"Light Move Photograph" - collective exhibit with the best photographs from Light Move Festival
"Essence of Lodz city" - solo exhibit at Art Inkubator in Lodz, Poland
"Fabryczna" - my photographs ilustrating articles in Fabryczna blog